Calibre E-book Library system is the most powerful free Information access tool you can have on your PC or memory stick.
My personal one has over 30,000 files (233 gb) in it, that I can Sort in virtual libraries and then search within those libraries also. I can convert books from one format to another. Edit book's meta-data, add comments and searchable tags and Five Start rate the items. Nowadays I save most web pages by printing to PDF (printer) and add them to my library.
I recommend using the Portable version of the software as it runs from any directory or storage device, like USB memory sticks and removable Hard Drives.
While any iteration of the software can be pointed to different Calibre Library locations.
Where I want a single Subject Library and use Calibre to create a massive sortable sort of Book of Books for study, I put a new copy of the portable version in the base directory of that project. often with other tools like Photo management software, Directory Tree to Text file listing software, etc.
calibre is a powerful and easy to use e-book manager. Users say it’s outstandingand a must-have. It’ll allow you to do nearly everything and it takes things a step beyond normal e-book software. It’s also completely free and open source and great for both casual users and computer experts.
- Save time on managing your e-book collection
- Use it everywhere and with anything
- Comprehensive e-book viewer
- Download news/magazines from the web
- Share and backup your library easily
- Edit the books in your collection
- Satisfy every e-book need and get support