Sunday, August 21, 2022

Q: Factoids or Believetoids?


Factoids or Believetoids?
Several years ago I keep noticing how modern articles and books about the Druids of ancient times keep having common factoids or
beliefs of the Druids and practices and lifestyles.
Yet all references, if any were circular to recent modern books quoting each other.
So I started breaking down these common statements or claims, and trying to find their original or oldest published (and translated into Engish) sources. This was not an easy task but an enlighting one.
Along the way, I peeked into citation software but did not settle on any. As many of these factiods/belieftoids may be found in any given book or MMS. I need to master using a citation system.
And also a better way to index and publish these factoids/belieftoids.
I believe this would be of value to all students of Greater Druidia.
Any thoughts, suggestions, references, or help, are greatly appreciated.

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